I am at my 3rd week of postnatal and I don't know if I am being sensitive or not. I have 2 sil and I saw the msg she give to me hubby asking is there any latest picture of my LO. So my hubby send them in the group chat. And the reply was "wah he look like me". Both sil reply that and I feel unhappy and sad. Like wth I give birth then the baby look like my sil? I told my hubby about it. He say they just comment and laugh it off and ask me to take it easy. Both of my sil is single and I am sure they will keep on being so irritating.

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Hi. It is normal to feel that way. I get my husband's side keep saying that my lo look like my hubby when he is younger. And when my side says that lo looks like me when i was younger, they disagree and say that lo look nothing like me at all. Then I said to hubby, "of course keep saying look like u.. they didnt even see me as a baby! " Be careful of possible post natal depression.. from the sound of it, you will take any light comment negatively as I did. Try to look on the bright side and not take things too seriously unless it involves the health/well being of your child. Do take care.

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