Give up my baby

I am 22yr old female who is currently pregnant and really considering giving the baby up for adoption. Neither myself nor my husband is ready to have another baby and abortion poses an ethical issue for us. We already have a pair Has anyone here given up their baby for adoption? What is the process like? Would I get to sit down and interview the potential adoptive parents before I give up the baby to them?  I've tried to do my own research on this but unfortunately and to my frustration, information is really lacking for women like me who is looking to give up my baby for adoption. I prefer not to approach any agencies first as I really would love to be in a neutral position when I make my final decision. Just afraid that when I go to agencies my opinion may be biased. So, I would really appreciate it if anyone can share with me their story on giving their baby up for adoption. Thank you very much.

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Are you giving for adoption?