sex during prengnant

Hye mommies out there! Hope all of you is doing fine ?. Just a simple question that im actually scared n a bit shy to asked ?. Since we as a mommies still have a hormone of being 'manja' with husband, when is the ryte month or weeks to have a safe sex? Im just curious of it. Anyone can help with that ?

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Married my husband on sept 2018. Got pregnant on oct while still on honeymoon mode😅🤭 Honeymoon Oct tu takda pantang 🤣 from the first time i knew i was pregnant. I never hesitate to have it. Sbb masa tu I dont know la whats got into me. 🤣 I was 6weeks. Turned out okay

5y ago

Wahhh..hihi..Tq also for ur commnt mommies ❤

Boleh bersama tp risiko. Ada org bdn ok, rahim kuat so bila bersama xde pape. Pape hal pn, jgn ganas2.

5y ago

Tqq for u answer dear. Noted ❤