My husband and i seldom see each other due to work schedule and he seldom have time for the kids. We did not have any topic to talk about even when we got the chance to talk. If he is on leave he will spend time playing with his phone. I understand that he is working hard for the family and he needs his own time to play games or see videos but i cant help feeling that my life without him made no difference. over these years he changed a lot in terms of temper and we quarrelled a lot until now we dont even care to say anything to each other. I kept asking myself if this is the man i love and if i will be happier to walk out of his marriage. I feel really lost. I held on becuz of the kids but im not happy every single day.

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I would suggest having a chat with him to let him know your feelings. Sometimes, males are simply less sensitive and would not be aware of what you are feeling. From his perspective, he may think that everything is fine and just how it is supposed to be. Especially when both of you are working and it is easy to stop making any effort to appreciate one another. Have a date night where you keep the phones (and other electronic devices) away and focusing on truly having a conversation. It need not be a heart-to-heart talk but just to rediscover the "forgotten" feelings. As for having the heart-to-heart talk, I sometimes find chatting while both are preparing to go to sleep (the period where the lights are switched off, yet both are still awake) the easiest. But that is just me. It takes effort to maintain a marriage. Have a chat with him and see how things go. All the best!!

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