Planning for second child

My husband and I have plans to have a second child. However, recently, my 13mo baby has been taking a very long time to fall asleep and ends up sleeping very late (around 10pm to 10.30pm). She also has been needing a lot of attention and cannot be left alone for long. Doing the housework while looking after her has also been very challenging. Hence, my husband is unsure if we will be able to manage when I am pregnant with our second child and when we have to look after both children, as we do not have a helper and our parents are not staying with us. I am considering having a part time helper to help with the housework during the weekends, but my husband is not very keen on the idea as he feels the main issue now is having to spend a lot of time putting baby to sleep and giving her a lot of attention. Also, I have been having difficulties wiping her mouth, teaching her how to brush her teeth, getting her to drink from the straw cup and even getting her to drink water. She would cry when her mouth is being wiped, when we want to feed her water, and when we want to teach her how to do things. Would appreciate if you have some tips on how to make these tasks easier! Also, how did you manage handling pregnancy while looking after your other child or children, and how did you manage looking after more than one child? Thank you in advance!

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