
My employer gave me stupid excuses for not confirming me just because I'm pregnant. Yesterday my boss just suddenly called for a meeting tgt w hr. Mentioned want to talk about my performance. But all the points she mentioned are so unfair and unreasonable . Saying I nv do the things tat actually I have done so much. Then called me to look for a hair stylist to do something w my white and baby hair (my work place is not a place tat I need to dress up). Then pick on me for very small correctable things. And oso put words in my colleague's mouth saying she is not comfortable working w me around (when I'm so close to her supporting each other at work). I guess this is all about what they said and I said matters. After I shared w hubby he said the whole picture was very simple... They just don't want to cover my maternity benefits. I guess even if I go report to mom,... There's nothing they can do. Am I right? I'm ok not to work but I just find it unfair treatment in such a big name company. Any advice? 😢

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I faced the exact same problem! I was a perm, worked in the company for a year, it was my first pregnancy and I was about 4-5months pregnant then (this happened in May this year!) During the yearly review usually its just a 1-1 talk between myself and my boss but to my surprise the HR rep joined the discussion as well. I was soo confused but she explained that my boss wasnt happy with my performance, Im not meeting expectations and all those bulls when i’ve been giving my 100% since day 1. All those nonsense they just spitting, all 1 sided and to make me resign on my own (oh and i ended up with 0 bonus! Just because of all those stupid reasons) .. they obv don’t want to pay for my ML since they cant fire a preggy otherwise i’d just report them but I was ready if the situation went that way, ended up going through a Performance Improvement Plan every week (waste of time) just so I can prove my worth. It was tough and mentally-emotionally draining but quitting was not an option. Still in same company and on ML now, will probably look for a diff job soon lol now that im not pregnant.. not staying in a shitty company w this kind of treatment.. Assuming your probation period is ending and thats the reason they still hadn’t confirm your employment then report it! Its definitely unfair!

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i faced the same situation. my company extended my probation and then before it ends they terminated me saying poor performance. i was 6months pregnant. you can complaint but its a long process and being pregnant all you want is a peaceful and less stressfull period. so i end up did not complaint but i demanded my maternity payout as i worked for 3 months. and they did. so you can try asking them even if your probation extended. as long as u worked for the conpany for 3 months you are entitled for maternity payout.

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I found a new job and have been working this company for the past 5 months ( I got preg 2 weeks after I got this job ) , my employer also didn’t want to confirm my employment and stated that I didn’t meet my Kpi so I’m still under probation . Everyday I’m fearful I get terminated because they said my performance is not up there. Obviously they didn’t mention pregnancy as a reason ….. but I have a feeling they will ask me to leave soon to avoid paying maternity leaves next year

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Same thing happened to me. got pregnant a month after i joined the new company. i always do extra work and always hit KPI, am never late etc. HR terminated me exactly when my probation ended saying my attendance has been bad. in my defence my mcs were valid and they were aware i was unless. anyways, i found out another lady in the office has worse attendance than me but her probation got extended while i was terminated cos they found out about my pregnancy.

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no, they should pay maternity leave if you work more than 3months completely and do not quit for any reason they given. if you are PR/Singaporean company shall pay maternity leave whether or not they confirm . you can go MOM website find out and any dispute matter can escalated, but you need to have very very solid evidence they made you discrimination due to your pregnancy

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Hi pls let them know that you will report to TAFEP especially if reason for not confirming has nothing to do with KPI? Did you have a set KPI for your probation? If not, you can use that.

4mo ago

I don't have kpi. only have centre kpi. but they mentioned tat I'm very far from their expectations. but when they point out individual points I'm like those r things I'm been busy on. I'm like wth.

yes you can report. my sister in law did report. I can't remember the outcome but I think she did receive compensation of some sort. at least the company is not let off.

how long u been working? when u started work, r u already pregnant? or just declare u r pregnant?

4mo ago

I work for 6mths. but there's oso a problem coz the first 3mths I can't do well because I lost my son and got this job when I'm at a depressing stage. then eventually they bite on tat keep saying I'm not good when I can solo run program solo manage the centre without any problems. 😢

maternity leave is compulsory and by law covered. it's government paid for half