My husband is being a total pain. He doesn't help out with the chores at home and only proactively cares for lo in public. At home, everything is again thrust onto my lap. When i gently remind him to help out, he says tt i am nagging. When I demand that he helps, he says tt i have an attitude. I honestly can't take it anymore. Don't know if it is the hormones but i feel like I am falling out of love with him! Anyone feels / have felt the same before? Any good advice?

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This reminds me of my days living with 3 roomies, where one didn't go out ever to get groceries and stuff. I used to get most of the times cuz I didn't like the cook always complaining for no stock. We wanted to sort this somehow so we made a simple schedule - weekly each person buying/doing things. And if someone fails to, you have a sheet to point at and the "person cannot disagree". Guess you can try that. And talk about doing it this way with your hubby and he'll automatically feel he is doing something wrong.

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