4 months pregnant.

Hubby doesn't try to put his hand on my belly. Only did it when i hold his hand to my tummy. Normal?

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My husbnd plak kalo sy tgh mbebel kat dia, time tu mg bby slalu gerak, nty dia slalu dkat kn kepala dia kat perut sy n bckp cm dia tgh ckp ng bby. Hahahaha.. Nk sruh sy benti mbebel agak nye. 🤣😝

5y ago

Hehee kita geng 🤣

😂😂😂 Normal kot sis. My husband pon sama. Mana mau nk letak tangan kt perut ni. Mula2, mase nk tdo, ambik jugak tgk dia bg rasa baby gerak2. Tp bila dh besau ni, dia ckp takot. Seram. 😑 Tambah lgi timbul urat hijo kt perut. 😂

My hubby afraid to touch .bcs he think he'll harm the baby