C sect recovery
How do u sleep when you had c sect? I really hate sleeping on my back for so many days How u wake up and get down from bed? I find this is super challenging even though i am already on my 4th day. Always accidentally use stomach muscle which i think we shouldnt so that for now?

I slept on my back. Turn to the side and rest for awhile before gentle pushing myself up. I placed a foot stool on bedside to help getting up and down as my bed is quite high. Sometimes I would just slide down the bed like a snake without raising my back (to avoid engaging my ab muscles), looks funny but it worked for me haha
Read moreThe 1st week was terrible tbh. I'll asked my husband or anyone at home to help me push my back up. Then i can slowly get up easily. Sleeping wise u can sleep side ways alil with a pillow supporting ur back. What i did was putting pillow at my back and a small one around my csec area.
I slp on my back, hard to slp on the side. U can google the video on how to get out of bed after Csect, they teach u to use ur arm muscle instead to pull urself up. But as I have tenosynovitis on my both arm, so my hubby usually pull me up
sleep walk as per normal with the help of binder. of course, I do make it slow compare to normal day