3 Replies

My friends who live overseas have the same worry as the grandparents in Singapore would have missed out alot on the child's growing years. They put extra effort into skype calls everyday for about an hour and talk to their kids about their grandparents and other family members on a daily basis. They would also try to make the trip back to Singapore once a year or if they can't, they will fly the grandparents over. Have photos of your kids and their grandparents together in the bedroom and pretty much around the house. Tell stories about their grandparents or even your childhood stories to help your child get a sense of his grandma and grandma. If you live abroad, involve your child in sending birthday cards, letters, postcards or gifts to your parents or in-laws. And if your parents or in-laws send over presents for your kids, make sure they personally thank them either via phone call or video call. You need to work hard and be consistent in maintaining relationships. It's already hard enough for us adults to keep in touch, imagine how it will be for kids.

Thanks mommy! He knows and remembers his grandma but maybe we, both sides, should really try harder. I like the idea of displaying their photos in the room. He usually just watch their videos on mobile/computer.

Talk about ur mil all the time. Try to arrange for mealtime once a month if possible. Sometimes get them items and say it's mil who bought it. Allow them to have a connection even they are not physically together

Have pictures, talk to him more often about his grand mother. Spend time. Try to read story books and get him to relate. Try to allocate time for a trip yearly.

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