Baby Flipping in sleep

How to prevent baby from flipping in his sleep at night? My husband and I are so tired from consistently waking up to check on our 5 months old baby in case he decided to block his airway. And he will flip to his tummy again whenever we tried to flip him back to his back. He hasn’t learn how to flip from tummy to back.

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I hardly sleep too. my helper sleeps with my boy and I will stay awake every nite till 4-5am coz he always on his tummy. around 3-4am he will wake up for his milk and play for abt 2-3 hours helper will feed him and try to pat him to slp again... when he sleeps, then I will sleep with him till morning. my helper will slp in another room till 8-8.30am.. it's a tiring cycle. no choice . I dun want to take chances😅my boy now is 21 months and our routine is still the same since birth😅

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Yup itll go on everyday until they learn to adjust their head to not block the nose. When my bb was 5 months i hardly sleep. Really. I keep waking up every half an hour - 1hr cause he would flip in his sleep and cry. So i would flip back and he would flip again. He will keep doing everyday until he slowly learn to adjust his head. Itll get better!! But this phase is super tiring to the point i fell sick for a week due to little sleep and rest. Somemore next morning need to work

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Yes I remembered when my son start to flip in his sleep. My helper placed an adult pillow beside him to limit his sleeping movement at night he still does wake up whenever he turns himself up. Need a bit of cuddle before he falls asleep again. Yes for the start you get sleepless night but once he knows how to flip back on their own everything will be fine.

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This one is really not advisable but it really helped us a lot: We placed a bolster in front of him to prevent him from rolling from his back to tummy and it works bigtime~ he's sleeping in his cot btw and has been doing it since he learned flipping.

I use this to prevent my baby from flipping at night .. it worked for my baby . Because at that point of time, my baby haven’t learn how to flip from tummy to back yet. So I have no choice but to get this.

I would advise preventing /limiting child from flipping because your child is actually learning while he sleeps. However, you may want to consider removing all foreign items that will block his airway when he flips.


my LOs really sleep much better on their tummies so we had to supervise very closely 😬

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you just have to wait it.out until he learns to flip the other way!

We endured the phase. It will pass. Hang in there.



4mo ago

omg is this bot back again?