My LO sleeps on his tummy (have been since the day he got home).. now that he is almost 5 months, he has been learning how to flip from his tummy to his back.. I wouldn't mind if he does it when he's awake but he has been doing it in his sleep. Last two nights he would flip every 2-3 hours and end up awake cos he can't sleep on his back.... anyone knows what I can do? I'm feeling the lack of sleep now since he has been STTN since 2 months old...

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Do the sleeping on the back training in the day time. Night time it is inevitable. U can try the bolsters to block his turning but no guarantee. Or day time u can train him to make complete turns. It's a phase that he has to learn how to flip wherever and in the mean time parents just have to suck thumb abt the sleeping pattern. It's a phase, give it a wk or so

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I would try to put him to sleep on his back instead of putting him on his tummy to sleep. That way he learns to self settle himself to sleep on his back.

8y ago

Okay! Will try to train him to sleep on his back in the daytime! Thanks (:

We placed pillows on the side that he would flip to, so that when he does flip at night it wouldn't be a complete 180 degrees. Hope this helps.

8y ago

We tried this yesterday and he ended up waking up during his half-flip haha

Consider to train him to slp on his back. He would need to learn tiz in time to come. Train early, baby will be able to learn fast.

8y ago

Okay! Will try to train him to sleep on his back in the daytime! Thanks!

I placed baby on his sides as well. And bolsters to support his side so that he will feel more secured and less startled.

8y ago

I tried the sideways too. But he'll end up on his back and then wake up haha