9 Replies

I’m grateful I have such lovely in-laws. So I make it a norm to visit or even stay overnight as we’re just a couple blocks away. As I do not have my own place to stay yet, we alternate between 2 houses every few days. I don’t want my little one to grow up being close to only 1 side. She needs to know she has 2 grandparents who are very much alive and 2 sets of cousins and aunties and uncles and cats. 😝 On the other hand, my husband though, he dreads coming to my place as my mom is loud and naggy and always have comments about anything and everything. But hey, we can’t please anyone so we try our best to make it equal between both sides to spend quality time with our little one. I even draft out a timetable for both houses because my husband’s off days are not fixed. I think it’s important to understand that without in-laws (evil or not), you’ll never have your kids. So give them that little amount of respect at least and visit them as and when you deem fit. But do call or video call regularly so as to not hurt their feelings or deprive them of their grandchildren. 😉

I see so many such posts here and its so sad. If they are lousy parents to your husband I may understand but if they raised the man you love and marry, why are women all complaining about in laws like a evil step mother character? Please know that this is a vicious cycle, might happen to you by your own your children with their future spouses.

Once a year or few years as we don't stay in the same country but I will make it a point to buy flight ticket for my husband to fly back at least once a year they don't really care if we go back as long as monthly $ is on time

Once or twice a mth. Same goes for my own parents. My husband does not make it a mandatory for me but the kids, yes.

Used to be visit once a week. If they want more Time, they can come over instead ahahha


will try to go weekly

VIP Member

we go over weekly. (:

We try once a week

Not much time

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