How often do you fact check recommendations given on this forum?

I assume that all information given here is an opinion and based on mummies’ experiences 😁 For pregnancy medical related things, I would ask my gynae. For pregnancy experience-related and parenting tips, some mummies here have excellent suggestions that I’ve implemented. So I don’t feel like people here are out to make me do wrong things. At the end of the day, it’s my own responsibility to take in the information and decide what to do with it. There’s tonnes of online guides written by supposed experts as well, some I agree with, and some I don’t. But that said, you asked a very good question ☺️
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Read moreI usually only ask things that require personal experience, if I can Google there's no point asking about it. Medical related things I don't think it's a good place to ask here, best to ask doctors.
I think most recommendsation are given base on their experience. Diff baby diff style. So usually I will try it out if it's no harm.
it's more of opinion-based sharing. Different mummies have different opinion. I always seek back to my doctors.
As most of these are based on advice, I'd listen to them but check those I think are questionable.
This is all opinion so take it with a pinch of salt I Guess
Always. Lol