How long should I wait for my first ultrasound? I am in my third month now. :)

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I had 4 ultrasounds when pregnant. I was a patient at NUH, and these were the 4 major scans I went for. According to the article, the first ultrasound is best done within the first 12 weeks. 1. 6 weeks Dating Scan To confirm the presence of yolk sac, fetus and heartbeat 2. 12 week Nuchal Translucency Screen Scan Mostly to test for Down Syndrome 3. 22 week Fetal Anomaly Scan To test for fetal defects 4. 32 week Growth Scan To estimate the weight and size of the fetus.

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6y ago

During your routine checkup at NUH, does the gynae do ultrasound for you to see the progress of the baby? Cos I saw in their website, they indicated that the antenatal package includes 2 ultrasound on 22nd and 32nd weeks. So I’m wondering if ultrasound is performed during the usually checkups. Thanks!

Normally gynae will perform ultrasound scan either through transvaginal scan (if less than 6 weeks pregnancy) or transabdominal scan to detect your sac and baby's heartbeat. Since you are already in 3rd month, you can request scan from your gynae. The official scans such as NT scan will be around 3rd month too.

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Typically your first ultrasound will be done between 18 and 20 weeks, but you may have one before 12 weeks to confirm your due date.


at 12-13th week to detect any risk of down syndrome