How Long does labour take?
How Long will I be in labour for? How Long will I push? How long do inductions take?
7 Replies
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Super Mum
It depends. I’ve heard many horror stories before I went into labour, got me damn scared... But when it came to my labour story, it was a little under 5 hours from the point my contractions started until baby is out...
Everyone is different. For me, mine took 23hours but pushing took me 20mins, 2nd 4hours, pushing around 15mins
VIP Member
2 hours in the delivery suite and 5-15mins of pushing , everyone is different
Super Mum
It varies from person to person. I was in labour for 8 hours
Different body different timing
VIP Member
It depends on each person
VIP Member
Are you FTM? If yes, then it will take longer. My 1st was about 5hours, my 2nd was about 2hours
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