C section duration

How long did your c section take? And do you feel anything during the process? Like can feel the knife etc I might be going for emergency csection due to no progress, and want to prepare myself mentally.

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My emergency c section took 25mins! After the injection, ure gone! U just wanna sleep ur a** off! But there will be a point u feel super cold.. so tell ur husband dnt panic when u start shaking! Because my husband does! 😂😂😂 U cant feel anything at all my dear! 😂😂 after the process, they put ur baby like on top of u, take photos together and ure done! Once the operation is successful, nurses will clean u up and bind u! After that, compression socks on! But once ure home, just stick to normal socks pls (the thicker version)! Compression socks make my feet way more swollen!!! Doctor will ask u to start walking the next day, and thats when the uncomfortable feeling comes.. u feel like ur wound will be open. Take it SLOW! U gonna feel that ur "menses" starts to flow down ur thigh but just CHILL!!! Its normal.. The faster u able to walk the faster u will be discharge. At home, just take it EASY!!! U can do this mummy! I can start tossing and turning to my comfort after the 1st week!!!

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