C section
How long do you take to recover from your c sec?
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I could sit up in bed and walk unaided after 2-3 days or so and wound healed within a week with just a slight tenderness around the lower abdomen area. Completely ok after say 3-4 weeks. Not much pain throughout.
Super Mum
I felt intense pain the first 4 days, moderate pain about another week, and after 2 weeks pp it was very mild. But for the pain to completely disappear it took about 1-2 months
2nd day i could walk but the pain was intense. gotts fight it. its been a month now n i still do feel sore. 1 yr for full recovery i heard
hey dear, it varies from mother to mother, but generally it takes anywhere between 15 days to 3 month
fully recover no feeling at all is 1 year plus
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