How Long will babies outgrow baby cot, bouncer? At what age do you still carry ur Bubs in a carrier/ sling?

My son outgrew his baby cot at 9 months when he started trying to climb out, BUT he only used it for less than a month for short play time - he absolutely hates the idea of it and never slept in it before (we co-sleep since birth). He had bouncers and walkers etc too, but none of them lasted long because he outgrew them real quick! Bouncers took about a month, while sitting walkers was only a week because it wasn't recommended for development - the stand and push walkers were meant for play only, and the way he played was to flip it about and try to be an engineer with it. As for carriers and slings, he never liked it so we have never used them - it was primarily just my arms since birth, and then a stroller from about ... 6 months old or so? But he's also outgrowing that soon because he's getting tall and out of the weight limit soon :/
Read moreMy gal already not sleeping in cot since 6 mo. She likes to flip and crawl all over so sleeping on my bed with me is easier. As for bouncer also about 7 mo she outgrew it. Once I put her in and she dropped her teether, she stretched hard to get her teether back from the floor and the bouncer (tiny love) belt gave way!! Luckily I saved her before she crashed to the floor face down. As for carrier I am still using it now usually for her to nap in when we are out. She is 10mo now. I think carrier can use for a longer period of time. My gal has problem napping in stroller when we are out so no choice still using carrier now
Read moreBabies outgrow bouncers very fast! Few months outgrow already. As for cot, if you get those that can extend as your child grows, then you can use longer. You can take a look at palette box sweet dreams 7 in 1 baby cot. Can use from newborn till around 6 years old. Then after 6 years, can use as study table ◡̈ Its only $129 during the baby fair from now till sunday! So if you wanna get it, must faster get it by sunday.
Read moreHi, Well! It depends on the size and weight of the baby but generally the baby outgrows baby cot in 15 months or so. My baby cot was designed in way that it would not tip off so my baby used to get out of it and go on her own by the time she turned a little more than one year. I carried my baby in sling till 7 months. She turned heavier and I had to shift her to a pram and stroller.
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