At what age can babies sleep independently?
Like put in the cot then baby can just sleep on their own.. do we need to sleep train baby? I heard from 4 months can start? Now baby is about 14 weeks old. For now still need to carry to sleep but my mother keeps saying Shouldnt….

my baby sleeps in his own crib since day 1 and we sleep trained him at 4 months old using the gentle training method. prior to this i read alot on the different methods of sleep training and was not fond of the cry it out method. each time he cries, we would go to him and just place our hand on him to ensure he knows we are around and that he is okay. sometimes we need to carry him when he cried and put him back in his crib multiple times during the night. we never leave him to cry more than a min. we started with night sleep and move on to naps training. setting a routine is very important, we used a white noise to help with the process and stopped the use of pacifier at 4 months too. tiring but worth it. my baby can sleep and take naps on his own (no carrying, no rocking, no patting, sleeps in his own room) after almost 2 weeks of training. when its time to sleep or nap, we just need to place him in his crib and he will fall asleep on his own. do not get frustrated or pressured. it takes time. they are babies afterall, we all need time to get used to different things. we will do the same with our 2nd baby who is coming soon. it might be easier or more challenging, we don't know. all babies are different so good luck mommy!
Read morePlease refrain from sleep training or cry out method. Do research and check with ur paediatrician first. Sometimes different personalities affect ability to sleep on their own and some prefer touch and proximity. The previous generations will always say dont over hold n cuddle baby to sleep or even hold baby while sleeping. Please smile and nod but dont follow ok? A baby cries to share its needs aka need to be held, be close, fed, tummy ache all. And babies especially needs a lot of skin to skin. And when basic needs are met (Maslows hierarchy of needs) then baby is safe (Erik Erikson psychosocial dev) for a child to grow up holistically. In reality its super crazy tiring and hard to be present, to understand the baby, to meet every need optimally with exhaustion, mentally burnt out, over touched and over whelm. But its worth it. Its the right thing to do. Trust the process and get help (professionally, physical, mental etc)
Read moreI think it really depends on baby. For me, my baby was able to sleep on his own from 7 months when he transitioned to 2 nap schedule. I’ve been using bouncer to put him sleep and I noticed after rocking for so long also he only wake up after 10-20 mins. Then I wa thinking to try 2 nap schedule. I personally don’t like cry it out method. I put him to cot and just pat his back and he was able to sleep after sometime. And in the beginning there were days he couldn’t, then I gave milk. But slowly we stopped giving milk and he slept. This is what worked for me. For me following schedules is the best for baby and parents as well. What I can say is observe your baby and do what you think best for your baby and what works for you.
Read moreI personally doesnt like cry it out method. When my baby can flip on her own, which is abt 3 months some nights she can sleep on her own some not but it’s ok w me i still rock her to sleep Fast fwd to 7m now during nap she still needs to be rocked but at night i just pat her without carrying her (i didnt do any training) but when she cry then i carry but not long she also fall asleep Yes my mother also keep telling me shouldnt but well sometimes i can feel my baby just want me sayang her on certain days then ill just hug n cuddle her. After all im a working mum and can only see my baby after work and before i leave office🥹🥹🥹
Read moreStop it with people suggesting others to let baby cry it out for them to sleep independently. for goodness sake theyre just a baby. They need comfort. Theyre not like us. Is baby cry just carry, if baby wants to sleep just carry. No such thing as itll spoil the baby or whatever. Plus i feel like sometimes it always helps with the bknding between mummy and baby. And come on, mummy and daddy is his only safe place
Read moremy baby sleep on her own since 2 months. cause got go ifc, then tired when come home. when cry very badly, will still carry at 8 months but if just talking and want to play when its night time or 5am, then just leave alone at cot. cry very badly still must pick up