How to increase hb level?

Please eat vitamin provided by klinik kesihatan together with any vitamin C. From my experience, in my 1st, 2nd and early 3rd trimester, I was anemia in pregnancy. My hb always low than 10. Kk's nurse advised me to consume iron tablet and zincofer together with lime juice. Lime juice can help the absorption of nutrients from them. Alhamdulillah, my hb increase and I'm no longer anemia in pregnancy. You can try this tips 🤗. Apart from this, please avoid consume vitamins provided by klinik kesihatan (kk) together with milk or tea. They can avoid the absorption of nutrients from vitamins. If you want to drink milk, please drink it at least 2 hours after you consume the Kk's vitamins. May Allah ease all your affairs and increase your hb result. Aamiin 🤲🏻🤗
Baca lagiEat hati ayam.. ikan bilis. . And drink milk