16 Replies

If you still going office: Talk to your boss 1-1 in a meeting room privately. If you are working from home: Message or email your boss depending on his or her preference ask for an phone call, then announce to him or her in a phone call that you are pregnant and when is your estimated EDD etc...

Congrats! I have not inform my bosses yet. Haha. Was thinking of doing so only next week after i get my first scan. By then, I’ll be 5wks. Only found out that I’m pregnant last week. I was just thinking of sending a text instead. How many months are u now?

I'm 17 weeks + actually. Didn't feel comfortable to tell them any sooner and now having WFH, so a little awkward

A phonecall would be more appropriate. Much easier than texting too. So you can discuss the necessary jobscope that’s expected of you now that you’re pregnant. Congratulations! 🥰

Thank you!

You could text them that you’d like to have a short discussion with them on your work and make arrangements for a specific time to call / teleconference.

VIP Member

Can it wait until after the lockdown? Might be better to do it face to face. If really cannot, block your boss time on calendar then call to talk.

Hi, First of all congratulations!! Would suggest to schedule a call with the manager and discuss the scope of things

Probably give a text first, then ask for a convenient time to call

VIP Member

Congratulations! Call and then follow-up with an email (:

Super Mum

Have an agenda on what you wanna discuss

Super Mum

Block your boss time outlook first

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