How do I give my newborn a bath? What equipment do I need? How often should I bath her? What's the right temperature, etc.

Ideally, your newborn can be given a bath every two or three times a week as long as you keep her nappy area clean and hygienic and also was her face and hands several times each day. Before your baby’s umbilical cord stump falls off, sponge baths are the best, so as to avoid getting the stump wet. Once the stump falls off, its time to give your baby his first real bath. Use a baby bath or your sink and make sure to pad the bottom with a towel to make it softer. Make sure to assemble everything before you bathe your little one. You may been a towel, a soft flannel or a sponge, cotton balls, bath wash, and a baby comb or brush. Add some warm water to the sink or bath tub. Hold your baby firmly and gently wash him starting with his legs and then belly. Be very gently with his nappy area, always wash between fingers and toes and folds between knees and thighs, armpits, behind the ears, and neck. Finally, as you reach his face, be careful around his eyes and use a cotton ball to clean it. As for the hair, be gentle while pouring the shampoo and rinse it off as soon as you are done cleansing. Always remember that your baby’s skin is more sensitive than yours, you be careful as you introduce the warm water onto him. It should mildly warm. Your baby might cry during the first few times but that’s normal. So don’t worry. Make sure the room temperature is also warm. Once your baby gets used to the new sensation, baths will be his favourite, especially during the night as it can be quite relaxing and sets the mood for a good night’s sleep.
Read moreHere’s a great guide on how to bathe your baby: If your baby’s umbilical stump has yet to fall off, and/or his circumcision has not yet healed, the baby should not be submerged into water. In such cases, a sponge bath is recommended. Otherwise, you can use a bathtub (after your baby’s umbilical stump has fallen off and his circumcision has healed). Some things to note would be hat young babies should be bathed in a warm room, as they are unable to regulate their body temperature well yet. Also, always prepare the things needed for the bath in advance so that there will not be instances where you need to leave your baby to grab something.
Read moreIt is recommended to delay the first bath until 24-48 hours after birth. Your baby doesn't need to bathe daily since it may make the skin dry, as long as you clean the diaper area regularly. Until the umbilical cord is healed, the AAP recommends you stick to sponge baths.
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You can use bath support such as the one shown in the picture, so that you can support baby easier.
