How did your husband court you? Was it the romantic way? :)

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Me and my partner knew each other from my BIL cause they work in the same place.At that time we were both in a different relationship so its like a "oh this is my BIL friend" and thats it.After a few month we both ended our relationship with our partner so its quite a long time since we are single and eventually we all went out for a movie(me,my sister,my BIL and him) Fast forward,went home,we hang out for awhile and my BIL told him that i was bored playing PUBG alone so he asked for my id which i gave and from that he asked me to go mcdonald's with him then the next few days to KFC.Basically we both fell in love fast and he confessed to me one morning saying that he likes me etc and the rest is history.

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