4 Replies

Hello, I think, it depends on person to person how you go through the surgery. For me it went smooth. I decided to have a baby when I passed my delivery date. I was made ready for the C-section after getting my all body parameters were checked. Later in the day, I was taken to the OT and anaesthesia was given. After that I did not feel anything and the baby arrived. When the effect of anaesthesia was gone, I felt strange kind of pain on the stitches on my stomach. But the main thing was I did not give in. I pulled myself up and told myself that I need to be fine soonest and on my feet. So, I started walking the next morning. I could myself go to the loo. I think one's fast recovery depends on how mentally strong you tune yourself. I had no support system as such. I mean, I considered my mum to be my skin, but she passed away two months back, so I told myself that now I will have to look after myself, and that is what I did. I think after 2 or 3 months you can have intercourse. But that too depends on your emotional need. Sometimes, you are physically ready but not emotionally.

Hey, Do not stress yourself a bit about how it is going to be as when the moment will come, you will get strength for it. And so much goes on at that time that you does not even come to know, and the baby is there in front of you. The key is to relax yourself and do not think about it at all. Just let the moment fall upon you, and you will be taken care of by the doctors. You can have intercourse after say 3 or 4 months. http://www.raisingarrows.net/2015/04/recovering-from-a-cesarean-surviving-the-difficult-days/ http://www.webmd.com/baby/tc/cesarean-section-what-to-expect-after-c-section#1

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You guys will be ok on the 4th month but it will still hurt somehow because of weight pressure.

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