Toddler throwing things on purpose

How do you deal with your toddler throwing things on purpose? My 2 year old knows he isn't allowed to throw my iPhone or iPad but deliberately throws them almost on a daily basis and happily tells me he threw them. I tried talking to him nicely and beating his hand but he still persists...Im just exasperated.. I don't even bother giving him much of a reaction now...

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I'd agree with Roshni on this! There can be many reasons why he's throwing things, sometimes it's just to seek your attention, sometimes it's solely because he is practicing motor skills. What you can do is to talk to him at his eye level (meaning squatting down to his level and maintaining eye contact) and tell him why he's not allowed to throw these things eg. because it's dangerous if they break and they're valuable items (try not to make expensive = valuable, but more of what it means to us like how his favourite toy is valuable) so we should cherish it. The next step you should do (after refusing it) would be to put those items away AND give him alternatives. Let him play with his toys, show him what he can throw (eg. soft toys, balls) so he doesn't feel limited or frustrated :) After which, just reinforce the idea and NOT make any huge reactions when he does throw what he's not supposed to.

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