3 Replies

Some moms have unequal supply because baby prefers to latch on one particular side. If your baby is thriving well within the charts and is happy and content, then your supply is sufficient. It could be that your other breast has alrer compensated for the other one. The only drawback is one breast will be bigger than the other :-) Usually at 7 months baby can sleep continuesly for 5 hours without feed. It could be that your baby wakes up 2-3 hourly just for comfort. Have you tried making her cry it out? Leave her without you carrying her or patting her to sleep. You can try this if you can bare her crying. If not, just try to be close to her in the beginning and slowly leave her. It's also about them getting used to this regimen. But as for breastfeeding, keep on doing it. Don't give up but make sure your lo is growing within the normal limit :-)

Me too.. But my is left a lot more than right... I already tried latching on more often on the right side and always offer the right first... But still doesn't work for me.. My left can pump 100ml but right only 30ml -40ml at most 50... First child also like that now my second one also..

My baby is also 7 mths. Still on breastfeeding. Something i get this type of yield too. Fret not! Get baby to latch on dat side to stimulate milk again. It will work.

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