Hi mummies, did anyone try milk maker's lactation cookies? Did it work ? I'm thinking of giving it a try.since my supply is not enough.

I took but it doesn't help to boost my milk supply. You can try to take more hot soups and drinks to generate more supply. There is a soup recipe which most people find it helpful, http://sg.theasianparent.com/fish_and_papaya_confinement_soup_recipe/ If you are doing direct latching, can try to latch as frequent as possible to increase supply. If you are pumping exclusively or partially pumping, power pumping is useful to boost milk supply too. http://sg.theasianparent.com/power-pumping-an-alternative-way-to-increase-milk-supply/
Read moreMy friend has tried it and she claims it did not help her supply at all. There are other local bakers with proven testimonials which you might like to try out: - Singapore Lactation Bakes http://slb.sg/ - Melody Bakes https://www.facebook.com/MelodysBakes I've tried both. Melody Bakes has interesting flavours like Longan Red Date. The picture above is of a Strawberry White Chocolate cookie.
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I'm a mummy who doesn't have a milk booster and only swear by power pumping. Tried milk maker for a week and didn't seem to work.
It didn't work on me. I tried all sort of brands coz I was desperate but my supply wouldn't increase.