Hi, can i still bf if i am having stomach flu? And if i pump do i dump?

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Don't waste your liquid gold! Continue to breastfeed and breastfeed more so that your baby can take in the antibodies needed to fight off the virus. In the meanwhile, do be more focused on personal hygiene when you're pumping. Wash your hands and sanitize before you pump and handle baby's bottles. If you latch, consider putting on a mask.

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Fortunately, your baby cannot catch stomach flu from you if you breastfeed. On the contrary, you should continue breastfeeding as your body will create antibodies so your baby will be protected from your stomach flu. http://www.livestrong.com/article/521277-can-my-baby-get-the-stomach-flu-from-breast-milk-if-i-had-the-stomach-flu/

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You can continue to breastfeed your baby as baby will get the antibodies to fight for the flu if she got it from you. If you are worry will pass to baby, wear a mask during latching and wash your hands and sanitise as often as possible before handling the baby.

Don't dump your breastmilk! You can still breastfeed your baby. Your baby won't be able to catch the virus from you and breastfeeding during this time gives your baby antibodies that can protect her from the virus.

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