Have you tried attending to seminars for parents? What’s the best you’ve learned from it so far?

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I had attended a parenting seminar organised by a prestigious school. The best thing that I learned was that children follow the three Fs whenever they are scolded, beaten or argued with. The three Fs are Freeze, Fight and Flight. Kids who follow the freeze mode just turn still when they are scolded and their mind stops to function for some time. The fight mode kids would fight whenever they do something wrong or are hit/ admonished by parents. And kids who follow the flight mode just run away for sometime and return when they feel their mother would be normal. This was a great learning for me and I took care that I was careful whenever I was harsh on my daughter.

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i attended a seminar as part of a campaign by a leading kids' brand and there were many eminent authors and personalities speaking there. what i loved most was the fact they all stressed on teh fact that we should listen to our kids, instead of always telling them. and also, we need to understand the power of YES instead of always saying NO to kids. being open and free with kids actually has a great impact on their overall personality, so i loved the session

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I have attended a couple of seminars on parenting. The first one was by a Montessori instructor on "The Impact of No on Your Child" and found it to be profoundly moving. It changed the way I spoke to my child. I also attended the well known Faber Mazlish series on "Talk So That Your Children Will Listen". It was a huge learning experience again and I would highly recommend it.

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I recently attended a talk on "How to tame you kids tantrums'. It was super useful and definitely am going to be using those tips for my nephews! The best tips I got were: Ignore the child Give the child some space Discipline without spanking Offer food or suggest a little R&R Speak calmly Laugh it off Get out of there Hope this helps!

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The last one i attended is a parenting seminar based on a book by steve murrell. I learned about how addressing issues of the heart is very important in disciplining your child. You can read more on this link: http://123attempts.com/

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When my kids were younger there weren't much seminars conducted about parenting, so never got a chance to attend any such seminar.

Nope. I don't believe in such seminars. I read books and Google though.