Tokophobia in singapore

Has anyone developed Tokophobia (fear of pregnancy and childbirth) after having a baby?

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I used to had this fear after going thru a rather traumatizing labour for my #1. But well? things happened i was pregnant with my #2, i still rmbr that i was preparing myself for the EXACT same scenario that i went thru for my #1. But it was so different, it was peaceful, i had full control of the labour and all. I was more alert compare to my #1 labour. Now i am pregnant with #3. i am actually quite looking forward to it.

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8y ago

I guess so? I was in long hours of labour for #1 - 32hrs. Baby wasn't engaged low enough. I had 5 people in the room 'handling' me. One dr was pressing my tummy very hard to assist baby in pushing downwards which i thot it was normal. So i was rathered prepared for #2. but everything went smoothly. I laboured for 15hrs. Baby was engaged with simple pushes assisted by the midwives. Once gynae is here, i gave two big push and baby is out. Very very smooth. So i guess aft going thru the traumat

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every baby is different remember? not all labour share the same stories.. mine was 36hours of labour and when tru emergency c-sect as cervix doesnt want to open..

You have not heard of the term before. however after my second child, I have a phobia of pregnancy, not so much child birth.

VIP Member

First time hearing of this. And no :)