no spotting

hai mommies. me already 7weeks but never got sign of spotting . is it normal ?

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Its normal. Kalau ada spotting itu bhya. Ada org implantasi tp stgh org itu mksd kguguran. Klau takda itu bgus. Sya 2 bulan sdah tkda spotting. Thanks god 😌

5y ago

glad to hear that.. 😍😊😊 tq ye sis

VIP Member

for what the reason do u asking about the spotting actually? If u r preg 7 weeks, if got spotting, u shud b worried.

5y ago

hehe.. tengs for your information 😊😊

kalau dpt spotting tu lg bahaya. kira beruntung mana yg takde spotting. sy alhamdulillah.. takde lagi.. skrg dh 16w

VIP Member

normal awakk, if ada spotting lagi bahaya
