I took my flu jab early around 16 weeks. My gynae advised to do so, since the flu jab last 1 year, and its better to take it, so I can avoid going to the GP, now with the covid situation. For whooping cough, I think its best to take between Week 22 to Week 28. It is so that the baby has immunity in the first 2 months after birth, so I'm not sure if it makes sense to take it so early. I took my whooping cough jab at Week 28.
I just took the flu jab yesterday at 24 weeks. Was abit worried also but went ahead. Apparently flu jab is safe for pregnant mothers. Dont worry, gynaes know what they're doing. If you're worried, just voice your concerns to the gynae. In shaa Allah ok.
I didn’t take any of the jabs. I don’t think it’s necessary. I’m 33 weeks and haven’t had any flu or anything since I got pregnant. Just the occasional morning sickness in 1st trimester.
May I know what jab are they for? I am past 12 weeks and my gynae haven't say anything about that jab yet. My next checkup will be next week.
I think my gynae said better to take before 20 weeks. I took mine at 17 weeks. But it's optional.