Flu vaccine or whooping cough jab?
Do you take flu vaccine jab or whooping jab during your pregnancy? Is it necessary to take both jabs? Pls advise. #firstbaby #1stimemom

I had both vaccines. Flu jab was given to me at Polyclinic when I didn't know that I was preg at that time and whooping cough, I had at gynae clinic. Both will be passed on to protect newborn baby since he/she won't have immunity towards them when just born. It'll slowly month by month to have different type of vaccines to inject for them
Read moreDuring my 1st pregnancy, I took whooping cough jab as advised by my doc. I didnt take the flu vaccine though, but may take it this time in my 2nd pregnancy. Cause I realized I get sniffles quite easily during pregnancy, and when you can’t take all the drowsy meds to quickly dry the flu up, its a bummer hahahah!
Read moreI took both. Flu vaccine was in first trimester and whooping jab at week 20. Both at KKH. Paid from medisave. It's better to take both as precaution. For the whooping jab, the vaccine will protect the baby as well until 3 months of age.
It is not necessary but def recommended as the antigens that your body produces also gets passed to baby!! So baby will be stronger and more immune to these. Esp whooping cough as this vaccine is not suitable for babies.
suggest that you take both because immunity can be passed on to baby during pregnancy especially for the whooping cough vaccine as infants cannot take the jab.
Recommended definitely even if it is not a must. Why not? Anything for the baby 😊
Nope didn’t take both. It’s optional and not necessary. Up to individuals :)
Took both the jabs as it was strongly encouraged by my gynae.
I do both for prevention..my husband also do whooping jab..
flu jab at my 16wk whooping Jap at 3rd trimester