11 Replies

I'm abt your height too 1.52m and both my babies were on the bigger side (3.6kg and 3.8kg at birth). I didn't wanna take the risk of having my baby's shoulder stuck or using vacuum etc and at 39 wks I was not even dilated so I decided to go for elective csect for both pregnancies. Both csects were smooth sailing. For my first I was even walking alot aft discharge, gg in and out of hospital as baby was in NICU for jaundice and I wanted to breastfeed him as much as I can. Just pop painkillers and you'll be fine. The first 24 hours u'll be bed ridden and needs to use the cathether. The first time to stand and walk was painful but u'll overcome it in no time cz u'll just can't stand staying in bed all day long! Make sure u use gel cream religiously aft gynae gives the go ahead to remove your plaster. Mine was 2 weeks aft tt and my wound was dry. I also put on silicone sheet for about a month after that and my scar is almost invisible, no keloid formed. So far I've no pain at all from the csect wound at 3 months postpartum.

ya great. one of my worry is the post recovery. thanks for sharing your experience!

My gynae also recommended csec cos my baby was near 4kg via ultrascan estimate even though I'm tall. I wanted to try natural delivery so I scheduled elective csect on EDD day should baby not arrive before that but I had contractions before my scheduled csect and natural delivery failed as I couldnt dilate after many hours so it ended up as emergency csect eventually and baby was really born at almost 4kg... Chose to go with emergency csect as I wasnt confident of pushing my baby out as well but turned out it was a good decision as baby had his umbilical cord coiled around his neck so no way he could come out naturally as well. Recovery so far seems okay, at least the wound wasnt as painful as I thought it will be and I didnt need to go through both labour pain and csect pain, because not being able to deliver naturally will end up with emergency csect anyway 😅

wow 4kg! Glad both of u are fine. 4kg was at week 38?

hello! dont worry so much abt csec. i had elective csec coz i wanted to avoid any complications and emergency csec, so i dun have to pay for both natural and e csec. so far my recovery is great! after eating painkillers and wearing binder for 1 week i can say im like 90% back to pre pregnancy health! i can walk, bend, squat as normal. carry and feed baby not a big issue from the day i discharged. really quite manageable. just be brave for that moment when stepping out of bed on the 2nd day post csec. the nurse will be there to support u and walking ard slowly helps with the recovery. now im only 11 days post partum but ppl cant see that i actually gave birth via csec 🤣

thanks, this is very encouraging!

Hello! Go with the option that you’re most comfortable and confident in! I opted for elective c sec because I am also on the smaller side and have high amniotic fluid (which comes with some risks) and I didn’t want to take the risk. I also didn’t want to end up with an emergency c sec. Recovery was so much better than I expected, but I would say it depends on the gynae’s skills / personal body recovery. The pain to me was 2/10 with the pain killers, can be kind of sore and uncomfortable but when I discharged from my 4 days stay at hospital i already felt quite confident (with slight discomfort) walking with my binder on.

ya actually i dont want to ended up with emergency csec too.

A friend of mine is about your height too. Shes petite i would say and baby was big. She opted for induce instead. You have to follow your guts and see whats best for you and your body. Anyway the weight is not accurate okie. It could be lesser or more.

thanks for sharing. yes i waiting for next check and see if how is baby weight. i do see some case where weight is much heavier at birth.

It seems like nowadays there's a push for C-sections, perhaps because it's more convenient for the doctor's schedule. But our bodies are designed for natural birth. Fast recovery and less expensive.

ya, actually i sort of suspect so too. but until the way he highlighted there is higher risk of 0.5% for stillborn natural way. i feel perhaps he worry for the baby safety too.

I was 38 and I opted for c sec cause I knew myself so well, that natural birth is not for me. Never regret a single bit.

Sorry I can’t remember 😅 I’m almost 11 pp and my mom brain is so serious

i am also 1.55cm and week 38. delivered normally today.. no need for any csect... trust urself and ur baby...

Natural... No inducing. Contractions, water bag burst and in half n hr baby was out.

Actually what has height got to do with choice for delivery? Just curious

if size is petite, he said bone is smaller or shorter some sort. so pushing will be harder.

what silicone sheet did you get may I ask?

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