2 Replies

Hey dear, awww i feel you. I am in the same state and this has been going on for only 3months since LO was born. That being said, congratulations cause baby and you indeed share a special bond which can never be replaced. Secret, i have felt like its a burden too. In fact i have even lost my temper more then a couple of times. It is hard, i too have unsettled rest cause baby keeps latching and unlatching throughout the day and night. Depending on your comfort level and capabilities, for me i let it go, im like whatever la. Cause im tired so i give in. But one day, even if you want to BF him, he wouldnt want it anymore. And then you will miss the good old days. They need us this mych for only a short time, after this stage, ahahaha they will be gone and we will be eishing for them to stay with us longer. Treasure the moment even if it seems tortuous for now. Remind yourself why you started this in the first place. Way to go mummy, you are not alone. We are all going through the same thing. Everything will be okay. Hope that this lil sharing of mine will be able to ease you a little. Give a shout out and im sure im not the onky mom who will come forward to give their support. Cheers

dear mom, i guess it is time to get your baby off the boob and start full weaning. i know it might sound harsh, but at this age, all your baby is doing is looking for comfort in the boob, which is disrupting your as well as your baby's sleep, and is not a good thing. you can start by pumping your milk and ask your hubby to give the bottle at night. see if that works.

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