New vs Hand-me-down
A FTM here. Just want to know do you prefer everything new for your baby or will you accept hand me downs ie clothes and such?

If got extra money why not everything new. But if on a budget, then clothes can accept hand me downs as they grow out of it fast and its a waste of money to buy. Cot if still in good condition, why not accept hand me down? Just buy dettol and wipe clean. Mattress for hygiene reason, buy new one. Sterilizer, I would get a new one. For breast pump, if its a closed system, I won't mind and just buy the spare parts myself. Bottles, I would get new ones. Pram as I said if still in good condition, can get hand me down. Save money where you can. I'm a FTM too and I made the mistake of buying so many new things and in the end some of it I didn't even use. I feel I wasted a lot of money and that money I spent could be use for something more important. Just my 2 cents worth but do whatever you're comfortable with. đ
Read moreFor clothes, hand me downs are actually more comfortable than new clothes. I will choose and keep the ones which are in a good condition. Babies grow so fast and will outgrow most new clothes. As for other items like baby cot / rocker / high chair, it depends on the condition such as cleanliness, stability, wear and tear etc. For toys, I wouldnât accept soft toys. Only certain ones which are safe and educational. Please inspect and wash/sanitise all hand me downs before letting your baby use them.
Read moreDonât waste money. Just cause can afford doesnât mean must spend unnecessarily. Some hand me downs in good condition are great like clothes, car seat, pram, toys. Usage by baby is low especially those for first few months old. but somethings like sterilizer, pump are better to be new especially if u plan to breastfeed. Think about the value vs the cost.
Read moreI used to think otherwise for hand me downs but babies outgrown their clothes pretty fast..its good to have your friends/family member to give u hand me downs.. I will QC..those that are really worn out like alot of furballs I will take it out..otherwise hand me downs are pretty comfy and economical
Hand me down clothes for me bcs babies grow very very fast. Rocker & cot buy second hand. I am not fussy so I dont mind and I save money wherever I can. Things are not cheap nowadays no matter how big we husband & wife are earning. Live smart.
I love hand me down! Save me time and money to look for it. Plus if things are in good condition, why not? Old folks have a saying, wear hand me down, easier to grow up or was it easier to take care?? Somewhere along that line... haha!
Hand me downs are really good esp when you can save so much money! All my baby clothes are given. Breast pumps, cot and Maternity clothes too. Even toys etc. I only bought a car seat and stroller with a few other baby accessories.
For clothes and toys Iâm ok with hand me downs. Milk bottles and pillows I prefer new ones. For newborn clothes they outgrow it real fast, so it helps to have hand me downs rather than having to buy new ones
Prefer hand me downs because it really helps save money and baby grow very fast, a while they not able to wear alr. I got many new ones given by others but then all put one side and never use.
I saved a lot of money by accepting hand me downs. And I really appreciated my friends passing me stuff. Of cos you have to go thru them and accept only what you need and do some QC.
preggy: every reason to have 9 months of cheat days