on my first trimester i was down with toothache ... unbearable pain till headache and unable to sleep feel like screaming all the night and the i decided too take paracetamol 500mg 1 tab.. is it okay to take paracetamol ? or any solution i can do

hi, ini saya buat bila sakit gigi sampai sakit kepala dan saraf tangan. 1 hancurkan bunga cengkih (clove) 2 bersihkan gigi yg sakit / berlubang. pastikan betul2 bersih dulu. cungkil. 3 sumbat bunga cengkih tadi dalam gigi berlubang dan gigit kain. biar dia mampat. hasilnya.. sampai sekarang saya x makan panadol bila sakit gigi. kesan sangat cepat. saya pun xjumpa2 doktor gigi lg. cuma pastikan gigi sentiasa bersih. hati2 bila makan manis..
Baca lagiI experienced the same thing last night. Terrible pain because my wisdom tooth needs to be removed but they postponed after raya because by then I will be in the 2nd trimester. All I did was to rinse my mouth with salt diluted in warm water. After doing that I can actually sleep.
go to clinic. gov dental clinic is free for pregnant woman.just bring ur pink book.they will do what is necessary for u. they did my filling and cleaning for for paracetamol, best consult dr first.
it safe to take paracetamol.
Pls try sensodyne.
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