
Its my first time pregnant, Gonna ask a lot of question here as I'm not sure. Ok my mom told me i can only eat seafood after 3 month. But Im craving really bad for crabs now. But my cousin told me eat whatever i want as long its not pineapple ?‍♀️

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Make sure tht its fully cook. For me, i'll just take a small bite if im unsure

I dont see any issues with seafood. I had seafood too and i think its ok

Can just eat according to what you like, happy mummy happy baby

Can eat as long is cooked. I eat few crabs during second month.

As long as is not raw. You can moderate your intake :)

VIP Member

Yes .. bt listen to ur mom also sometimes ..

Super Mum

You can eat anything as long as it is cooked

Super Mum

I only avoided raw food e.g. sashimi, salad

VIP Member

cn eat. just make sure it's fully cooked

Super Mum

According to TAP... Best to avoid crab.

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