Hmm vomiting could be wind too. Sometimes my baby vomits coz tummy a lot of wind, try putting baby medicated oil on the belly and massage in clockwise manner. U can also massage the thighs and push it up towards the belly, try cycling her legs too. It might work. Hopefully reduce the wind. Bed time wise, I can’t really advise u. I put mine to sleep at 10-11ish and he will wake up the next morning at 9am.
Not sure if it is the new skill phase. My baby flips in his sleep after he acquired this skill - the flip will disrupt his sleep
most likely your baby is too full thus vomiting. usually when baby starts solid they will consume lesser milk.
is it baby too full? how's your baby food and milk schedule like?
how much solid are you giving your baby it seems very close the timing.
Cedric Kang