What's your most amazing experience during pregnancy?

As a first time mum, I do miss pregnancy a lot especially when the LO move inside me. I still remember when i was heavily pregnant, i need to use shredder machine to shred paper. The minute i put the paper in, i can feel my poor little bb being frightened by the sound, and my tummy feels like being turn upside down. My colleague who saw me holding my tummy in pain thought I'm gng to give birth. To me, this is an amazing experience which not many people may not have it. ?

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When my wife listening to classical music, they will turn around or pressed their palm or foot on her tummy.

Super Mum

When my elder daughter talked to my baby in the tummy or sang to her, she would happily move about inside:)

Daddy talking to baby in the tummy and baby responding with kicks/ movements. Miss it haha


The baby kicks I miss alot too!

feeling baby's movement

Er, pple giving up seats 😂

4y ago

Wahaha... oh yes... i miss this. No need to ask or look for seat, there will also be some kind people giving the seat to us. 😊

VIP Member

Baby's movements(:

VIP Member

Baby kicks