991 Replies

always make normal delivery as your first option if you have a healthy pregnancy. CS wound may take longer time to heal.

Normal delivery if possible. But am fine if it has to be CS, if the doctor recommends that for my condition.

I preferred normal,but o had an emergency cs due to complications:(. Is very painful..hard recovery and painful

Normal of course! Doakan saya even lama lg tp bby mcm dah tksabar nak tengok dunia dah haha

Never thought/imagine to deliver as CS. but whatever happen, i hope both safe. Insya Allah.

Kalau tak ada sebarang komplikasi, better normal la .. if ada bru la kita tgk kptsn dktr mcm mne ..

I would have opted for normal delivery but I've got fibroids on my birth canal so my obgyn suggested CS

Normal po, no no no to CS, dmi complication ng Cs risky pa kaya natin inormal yan mommy,,, ire ire lang

Depend on ur health and consult doc...cos not every person can deli via normal or cs...😊

Doakan saya boleh deliver normal. Ada gdm on diet. Harap2 baby nak keluar awal, tak sampai due date😅

saya pun ada gdm..kena beranak di 38minggu..harap2 normal..