Any wise words from any parents here about not feeling so stressed when our toddlers are so fussy with food ? I'm very stressed up .. to a point of feeling depression when my 23 months old is so picky with food ! Every time I try to offer him food , he will be so picky . Plus he can't chew that well too , so I'm feeling very stressed and worried :(

hi my lo who is 23mo too , been refusing on alot of food even in her PG, but she love pasta ( we cant serve everyday afraid she might be sick of it ), she use to love fruits, not sure why start refusing too and she hates any type of milk. switched to soya, once a day ONLY she will drink. but what i do was lay the food in front of her and eat with her on my own plate too, sometimes she will follow . a few spoons and thats it?.. i think you just do you explore slowly other food, let your LO feed himself, sometimes they will play the food as a form of exploring ( esp if its new) and take note of what food they eat more so that days they dont eat much, can add more of what they like. it worries me too but my LO dont show signs of hunger though ( she sleep well at night not waking up) , and also i start her of pediakid appetite booster you can see in shopee. somehow helps abit to increase her appetite compare to previously. hope this helps ❤️
Read moreAsk ur toddler what he/ she wants.... my toddler (24 months) finally told us he doesn't like soft food. So we realised he like QQ food like spaghetti, Udon, etc... Also, I managed to train him within a few days to eat independently without us feeding him with some of Jo Frost (Super nanny) teachings. He still needs coaxing to eat, lots of nagging but it's better now with some method of discipline.... one of the things I do is I count to 3. If he doesn't eat, he has to go to the corner until he is ready to eat. But I also try to give him food that he enjoys. Meet him halfway.
Read moreWas very stressed at first but after awhile lo pick n choose food.. We follow lo likes n dislikes for the next few days.. Repeat once lo changes new food.. Cut smaller pcs for fish/meat/veggie.. A friend told me, when ur child is hungry, lo will eat whatever food is there.. They will nvr starve themselves.. So now when lo is hungry, we feed..when lo is picky etc, we just put the food there n wait for lo to eat when hungry..??
Read moreSorry to hear you are stressed - take it easy, it is very common for little ones to take their time to get used to different foods. Try to encourage small meals but multiple times during the day - also if you can, try to feed them in a relaxed environment. Keep experimenting with new foods :) youre not alone.
Read morebeen there before especially when introducing fruits and veggies that she rarely see so we always buy fruits and veggies for her to be familiar and we model the healthy eating habit im so happy that she now eats apple, banana, cabbage, pechay, egg, tomato, potato, orange, mango
my kidz have always been fussy with food since birth too so i always try to supplement as much as possible...
it's not good. but education cartoon song help