Gut feeling on miscarriage?

My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Didn’t made it past 6 weeks, couldn’t see the sac during appointment, multiple bleeding eps. Finally got pregnant again after a year, the dr recommended me to take progesterone. It’s been 4 days now, I’m feeling extra tired lately and idky but I keep on having this anxiety, waking up thinking I’m no longer pregnant. I’ve heard the heartbeat, see the sac in the ultrasound. progesterone wouldn’t cause any miscarriage will it?

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my baby was born silent at 28weeks for my 1st pregnancy. and now im 17 weeks pregnant. the constant worry, anxiety, frequent self doubt is REAL! trauma is REAL! And i can relate to how u are feeling. so on a plus side, pls know u are not alone. i was on progestrone tabs and pessary for the 1st 12 weeks. inspite of that, still had bleeding for 1st tri. but baby is ok. now for every cramp i pay a visit to the doc. paranoid perhaps but i wont live with guilt if i know i have not. im waiting for my next scan post CNY. and the wait and anxiety is constant. but like what the other mommies replies.. constant prayer and trust to the al-mighty for his plans are the best. that thought does help. HE knows best. i hope all will be well with u. take care sis!

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I guess thats what every woman who suffered from miscarriage will feel. I felt like that too after getting pregnant 2 years after miscarriage. No amount of ultrasounds & sounds of heartbeat will put my heart to ease. Eventually i told my gynae about my anxiety and thankfully my gynae is a very good one and advices me to chill. The more i stress about it, the more it’ll make my pregnancy difficult. So what i do is listen to some zikir and calming classical music whenever i have thoughts about it. It helps at a certain point and brings down my anxiety level.

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I had same experience and now in my 17 weeks. feeling exhausted is a common thing esp in first trimester. on top of my progesterone my gynae gave me hormones injection every 2 weeks during my visit to stabilise the pregnancy. for your consideration. I guess just keep well, keep calm, and trust the process. many people who had miscarriages go on to have perfectly healthy pregnancy, as my gynae had told me. so stay positive 😌

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understandable to have anxiety due to having experience miscarriages before.. still, try to be more positive and dont overstress.. during pregnancy.. watch comedy, fun variety shows or funny tiktok vids etc to steer away from negative thoughts as much as you can.. hope it goes well this time..😘

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This might help your question above. Be positive, pray to Allah, lessen workload, take care of yourself as well as baby. Also keeping your pregnancy from anyone till your womb is strong or baby grow well. Every night you can open surah2 to ease ur heart.

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I went through 2 miscarriages and am now 7 months pregnant. I still feel the anxiety on every hospital appointments to see my baby heartbeat. It is normal, but don’t over stress yourself ok cos baby will feel it too!!

Progesterone actually helps to stabilise the pregnancy and lower the risk of miscarriage