Shoes to recommend
Hello! Feet slowly getting bigger/swelling and can’t feet into my shoes soon. Any shoes to recommend that’s comfortable, won’t slip during rainy days, and can “stretch” or still fit the continuously swelling feet? ?thx!

I had really bad swollen feet, my life saver was a pair of Bata sandals with adjustable straps on the toes. Very comfortable I still wear them now! My friend recommended not wearing covered shoes so sandals should work better.
Wow! Seems like Skechers is winning! I shall go find out more and try them out! Thanks mummies!
Try to put one cushion below your legs while sleeping in night works
I wore Melissa flats, work well for me and didn’t expand much or loosen.
Skechers walking/running shoes is a good option
Go for those with rubber soles, more cushion
Berkenstocks are comfortable.
I wearing Nike training
Skechers worked for me.
Skechers for comfort.