6 Replies

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Pelvic pressure means baby has moved into position for birth. It’s adviced to start slowing down and not do anything that may trigger premature delivery. No way around pelvic pressure unfortunately. Just keep track of baby movements and any contractions that could start soon. This doesn’t mean you will go into labour soon - it just means baby has got itself ready for it. Could still end up being another 6 weeks. Best of luck mama

Do you feel any pain or just keep needing to go to the toilet? If it’s the latter, try to empty your bladder completely by leaning forward as you urinate. Also after you’re done peeing, pee once more. Don’t cut back on liquids just because you need to urinate more often. If you feel pain, please visit the doctor as there could be underlying conditions with similar symptoms. Take care.

Pelvic pressure is common at this stage. I am also having it at 33 weeks. Because of the pressure, frequent toilet visits are common. Pls visit ur gynae if pain gets unbearable.


Unfortunately, no way to avoid this, mummy. Just a few weeks more. Hang in there!


This is part and parcel of being preggy. There is no way around it 😉


Me too!! 31weeks 5days now..

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