Breastfeeding woes

Feeling guilty cause my baby is having difficulty latching (consultation said my boobies is too big for him), so we're just pumping out the milk and bottle feeding him. Topping up with FM cause my BM is not enough for his demands. Feeling guilty cause I'm not breastfeeding him exclusively :(

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Super Mum

Don’t feel guilty, dear:) you’re still giving him your precious milk! And there’s absolutely no shame in topping up with FM! You’re doing what’s good for him, and you’re an amazing mummy ❤️ I needed to top up with FM for the first 5-6 weeks, then after that my supply was adequate for baby:) Also, my baby had some struggles latching on initially also because of size and the fast flow rate during the let down, but when she got a little bigger, it became easier, and she was so happy with the flow rate from direct latching that she completely rejected the bottle. Lol. Different problem altogether.. But anyway, keep pumping, topping up with FM if you need to, and you can latch on after the feed for your little one to practise and get comfortable with latching. It’s lovely to bond that way (skin to skin) even if feeding has to be via the bottle for now. Take care dear:)

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4y ago

Thank you for sharing your experience! It made me feel better and that I'm not a bad mom for not latching!! I'll keep trying! ❤