11 Replies

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Since the DAD is a very important person in our lives, I get the kids to help me bake a cake and then we dress it up with butter icing and chocolate chips and nuts. I also make small heart shaped pancakes and Soomthies and we have a lovely breakfast together with each kid handing over a special handmade card and a gift made out of recycled materials. It's simple creativity that works every time :)

I'm planning to celebrate my hubby's first father's day at dads day out event at Singapore sports hub, OCBC square. The first 300 parents check in by 9am will be entitled to free breakfast sets too... Many more activities to participate. check the below link for more details toggle.sg/celebratingfathers

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A big hug & kiss to the father on his special day. They can also do simple things like making a simple sandwich for daddy's breakfast or washing some fruits for daddy's little snack for the day. A simple act of love will warm daddy's heart

Once we took our dad out for the Day of the Dad - pretty much inundated with everything he loved to do! Soccer, video games, buffet, you name it :) although it definitely helped that dad loved playing video games with the kids

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We are having a staycation - spending the day with my precious daughter And wife in the hotel and then mum in law taking care of her from 9 pm onwards while we stay overnight and rekindle romance ;)

Sounds like pure bliss! Happy 1st Father's Day, Darius!

A short video clips message to daddy, list out few request for daddy to use any times. Examples massage for daddy 20 minutes, get daddy a drink, be a little helper.

It's his first Father's Day and I'm making a card with LO! LO will contribute by having her hand/ leg prints on the card using safe finger paint! :)

I have ask my children to make a short and sweet video and send it during my hubby is working.. Cheer him up and surprise him..

I get my children to bake a cake together. They also make a card each for daddy. :)

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