Singapore Circuit-Breaker

Hey everyone How does everyone feel about the 'Circuit-Breaker' in Singapore? Do you think it will work? And will one month be enough or is it likely to be extended?

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I think individuals/companies need to be socially responsible, they should not have to wait for the government to tell them to do so. Nevertheless, I hope the circuit breaker takes effect, and I would rather the circuit breaker be extended than the whole COVID situation drag on.

Super Mum

It will work if people stop being selfish and listen to the instruction to stay home/not go near to others when they’re sick. I suspect it might get extended or there may be another circuit breaker later in the year because there are too many inconsiderate people around

It really depends on the efforts of each one of us. Hope everyone takes the measures seriously and just Only then would we have a fighting chance to flatten the curve.

I think if we all behave responsibly and think io the greater good then hopefully it will be over soon but cannot comment on anything right now

VIP Member

Unlikely to be extended if cases can be controlled. Govt need to subsidise companies for employee wages amounting about 3-4 billion a month

VIP Member

I feel its gonna work when people really stop going out at all. No matter how there's still gonna be interaction someway or another.

I think it may be extended if we still see new cases daily. Even if it isn't, it will take a while for things to get back to normal

I really hope it doesn't extend, everyone plays a part to ensure we stay at home and avoid unnecessary travels


hopefully 🤞🙏 everyone will need to play their part so life can return to normal asap

VIP Member

It'll work if everyone stays home. The queues at Ikea was worrying😓