
2 Replies

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best to consult PD before giving this formula. This formula is recommended by PD for babies with reflux. my baby had it from 1m till ard 10m before we changed to Normal Formula. A.R is unlike other formula. your baby will tend to be more full compare to normal formula due to rice starch. also this formula is very hard to dissolve. i had to upsize 1 teat and shake real hard to dissolve the formula (i used dr brown anti-colic bottle). On top of these, A.R have high tendency of causing constipation, my PD prescribe probiotics for my baby at the same time cos my baby's poop was like rabbit poop 😂 very little.

its normal for babies to be constipated with this A.R Formula due to its agent. what the baby dr advice me is which is more worrying, reflux or constipation? definitely reflux is more painful for them. so i continued this formula with probiotics. if i didn't give probiotic, i give gripewater. my baby was able to poop daily (like sheep poop, pebble pebble very hard) but doesn't cry of colic. probably cos of the anti colic bottle i used. can you share why u choose to change to this milk? is it due to colic or reflux? cos colic shouldn't be caused by milk. you can try anti colic bottles, tummy massage, gripe water. if its reflux then according to my own research with pediatrician and online this is the best formula for reflux despite constipation.

Yes, You can give this 4 months old.

Thank you

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